Mastering Your Mind: The Reset Technique for Overcoming Negative Thoughts

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s common to be bombarded by negative thoughts and self-doubt that can hinder our productivity and well-being. In this blog post, we’ll delve into a powerful technique called the Reset, shared by high-performance life coach Chad Weller, to help you overcome these limiting beliefs and stay present in the moment.

The Reset Technique: Taking Control of Your Thoughts

Chad Weller introduces the Reset technique as a simple yet effective way to combat negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that can derail us from our goals and aspirations. By following five straightforward steps, you can regain control of your mind and stay focused on the present.

Step 1: Acknowledge the Thought

When a negative thought or self-doubt arises, the first step is to give yourself permission to pause and acknowledge its presence.

Step 2: Pause and Identify The Thought

By honoring the thought for three to five seconds, you allow yourself to identify it without getting caught up in its negative energy.

Step 3: Surrender and Release

After acknowledging the thought, it’s essential to let it go. By mentally surrendering and releasing the thought, you free yourself from its grip and open up space for more positive energy to flow in.

Step 4: Breathing Exercise

Next, engage in a simple breathing exercise to center yourself in the present moment. Inhale deeply through your nose, focusing on positivity, and exhale through your mouth, releasing any lingering negativity. Repeat this process five times to calm your mind and body.

Step 5: Affirmation

As you complete the breathing exercise, reinforce your newfound sense of peace and presence with a positive affirmation. Remind yourself that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and that you have everything you need to succeed.

Incorporating the Reset technique into your daily routine can help you combat negative thoughts, stay present, and maintain a sense of calm and focus throughout the day. By following my five simple steps, you can cultivate a more positive mindset and overcome challenges with confidence. 

Connect With Chad Weller

To learn more about Chad Weller’s methodology and receive additional tips and techniques, visit his website at and book a free breakthrough session today. Embrace the power of the Reset and take control of your thoughts to lead a more fulfilling life.